Monday, May 2, 2011

Team Buckwild puts the Smackdown!! on a big Tom Turkey

Just an awesome hunt Saturday guys and definitely exciting. I took my buddy Rich (Team Buckwild) out for a turkey hunt at my Charles county property and we got it done. Got set up at 05:45 and right away had three toms within 100 yards of our set up gobbling on the roost. They flew down at 06:15 and I started calling with some very soft yelps and I got a bird gobbling his head off and coming in fast. One more soft yelp and I shut up and here he comes into view on the left side of our set up. I tell Rich to slowly move to his left and the bird is behind some thick brush about 50 yards out. Rich moves and I work the bird for another 5 minutes with some purrs and clucks. This bird is fired up and thunder gobbling, spitting and drumming and putting on one hell of a show for us. Well he finally can't stand it and my calling is driving him nuts so he comes in at full strut to 35 yards and I tell Rich to take him and Rich just hammers this bird down to the ground. What a freaking awesome hunt and it's only 06:30 and we have a big mature tom down baby. Well after some serious celebrating and a ton of pictures we tag him up and head back to the truck. This is Rich's first turkey and what a hell of a nice bird, 20 pounds, 10 inch beard and 3/4 inch spurs. He is having this great tom full body mounted and man what a awesome time in the woods today.

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