Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doe In The Snow

Killed this nice size doe today with my crossbow. Had to shoot her between the shoulder blades as she was directly under my stand. Made a great shot, double lunged her and she went 50 yards and piled up.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Big Stag Down

Well all I can say is what a AWESOME!! day of hunting this past Friday was. Took my friends son Joey (14 years old) down to the eastern shore to do some Sika hunting and well to make a crazy and long story short Joey puts the smackdown on a great big mature 6 point Sika Stag. Talk about a great hunt and one excited kid, man you should have been there for the high 5's and congratulations. When I explained to Joey he just shot a trophy Sika of a lifetime I think he really just appreciated the moment and really was humbled by the experience and this kid was genuine as can be in his thanks to me and I really appreciated that, especially coming from a teenager. His is getting the Stag mounted and since they don't have a ton of money I am splitting the cost with his dad so this kid can always look at that stag with pride on a job well done and a great animal. Just had too make sure this Stag gets mounted as this is a great kid and he truly loves hunting.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Nice Doe

Hunted all day today and had a great hunt. Harvested this nice doe with my crossbow and had 3 bucks walk by my stand but no shot opportunity. Gun season has started so I am hoping to seal the deal on a big mature buck with my muzzleloader.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Doe Down

Been seeing a ton of deer here in southern Maryland and the rut will be in full swing here in the next few days. I'm hunting hard and putting a ton of time in the stand. I have had allot of bucks in bow range but nothing that meets my standards of a shooter. It takes allot of discipline and patience to pass on these smaller bucks but I'm willing to go the entire deer season without shooting a buck, just to have a chance to kill a big mature buck. I did harvest a nice doe for the freezer and she will be some good eats on my grill.

Hunting With Friends

Did some bow hunting over the weekend at my Charles County property with my buddy Andy, Brandon and his wife Corinne and we had a great morning in the stand. Andy got a great 8 pointer and Corinne put the smackdown!! on a nice doe with her pink Hoyt Bow. Had a great time in the field with some true hunting friends.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Maryland Early 3 Day Muzzle Loader Season

Definitely a slow early muzzle loader season for me hunting in Maryland. I saw plenty of deer, mostly doe and a few small bucks but nothing I wanted to kill. What was great is that my buddy Andy Fox brought his son Dylan (7 years old mind you) out to the property and I put them in a great stand location. Well luck was on Dylan's side as he harvested a 5 point buck for a great first deer and what a smile he had on his face. Definitely one of my best hunts ever and this kid made a great shot on a fine buck.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Doe Down

Took a nice doe last week with my crossbow and she will be some good eats. Seeing allot of quality bucks during my hunts just no shot opportunity yet. I have also been going after a monster stag at my eastern shore lease and have been very close to sealing the deal with him.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sika Hind Down

The deer hunting since opening day has been I would say OK but not great. Passed on a great 130" ++ whitetail on the opening morning in hope of taking a bigger buck on my PG county property, I don't regret this decision as I have 150" and better bucks on the property. Been seeing allot of doe's and have passed on them as it is early in the season. I did harvest a Sika Hind on my Maryland eastern shore lease and what great eating these Sika are. With the cooler weather on the way it is only a matter of time before I put the smackdown on a nice Whitetail buck or Sika stag.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Last Camera Check

Only one week to go until opening day of the Maryland 2010 deer season and I am ready to go. Did a final trail camera check at my properties and big boys are still around. Hope to kill one of these great bucks on opening day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Getting Close

Well the start of the Maryland 2010 Deer season is only 3 weeks away and I am starting to get ramped up for opening day on the 15th of September. Been busy down at my eastern shore property, hanging additional stands, putting out feeders and trail cameras. Got some nice trail cam pics of some sika hinds and really feel this is the year I harvest a 6 point or better stag. My Charles/PG county properties are loaded with big bucks and getting daily trail camera pictures of some big whitetails. I am definitely prepared with my equipment, stand locations and mental preparation and this is going to be one great year of deer hunting for me.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Busy Weekend

Spent the entire weekend putting two stands and two feeders up on my eastern shore lease and a stand and two feeders at my property I hunt in Charles County. Andy (Big Fox) helped me with the stands and feeders at the shore lease and I really feel we are both going to score some nice Sika stags this year. Also checked the trail camera at my PG property and the big boys are still around.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Big Bucks Everywhere

Tell you what it is incredible the amount of big mature bucks I am getting trail camera pictures of. Seems like every day I have another big mature buck showing up on the property I am hunting.  Going to be a great 2010 Maryland/Virginia deer season.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Pictures

Freak Nasty and several other big boys are definitely getting some impressive headgear.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Getting Bigger

Been checking my trail cameras every other week and man do I ever have some quality bucks coming into my feeder. These big boys are getting plenty of protein pellets for maximum antler growth and I just can't wait for opening day of the Maryland Deer Season.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Freak Nasty Lives

My deer season never really ends as I am always scouting new properties, hanging/removing stands, and of course keeping my trail cameras going as nothing is better for keeping tabs on big buck movements. Checked my camera and I'm happy to report that a deer I have been hunting for two years now is still around and already has some impressive head gear and it's only May. I have named this buck Freak Nasty as he is a huge non-typical and is number one on my hit list this year. If you want to harvest a big mature buck than early season scouting is a must.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Nebraska Merriam's Tom

Me and my turkey hunting wife took a hunting trip to Nebraska to chase big Merriam tom's and had a great time hunting together. My wife hunted hard and chased turkeys for three days but we just couldn't seem to get a good enough shot at a bird for her. Last day of the hunt she wasn't feeling well so I went out to give it one more try and managed to harvest a beautiful Merriam's tom. My tom weighed 21 pounds with a 9 3/4 beard and matching 1 1/4 inch spurs. We had a great time and will be back next year in Nebraska to get my wife a tom.

New Brunswick Canada Bear

Followed up my striper trip with the family with a guided bear hunt in New Brunswick Canada. I was very lucky and harvested a great bear the first day of my hunt. My largest black bear and a very nice boar that weighed 278lbs and had a really big head and perfect thick hide. Just an amazing hunt and trully a memory of a lifetime.

Maryland Spring Striper Trip

Went striper fishing with my wife and daughter and we had a great time. Caught some really nice rockfiash with the wife catching the largest of the day. Her hawg weighed 35lbs and was 42" long and had a 26" girth. Here are some pictures from our trip.