Saturday, April 19, 2014

Love the Ladies

Been really going hard at the turkeys here in Southern MD the last two days. Running and gunning from different properties with my buddy Mike and his 75 year old dad Dwayne in tow. Man did we get on birds and hunted hard but just couldn't get any toms to close the deal and really wanted to get Dwayne his firts spring gobbler but most of the time the birds win. No matter what we had fun and this isn't the last end of our chase for a big tom. Mike and his dad had to leave at around 11 so that gave me another hour to hunt and man am I glad I did. Not more than 10 min after they left I got a hen to answer me and for the next 30 min we were going back and forth untill finally she couldn't take anymore and decided to see what this new hen was all about. Well as she started to get closer I noticed at about 50 yards she had a beard and then it was game on. I am in no way going to give a bearded lady a reprieve from some smackdown!! and when she got into 30 yards my 12 gauge Remington 870 sent some thunder No 5 shot into her head and stone cold knocked her out. Talk about the last minute, killed her at 11:41 am and goes to show you never know when it can happen in the turkey woods. Bautiful hen with a 5 inch beard and going to do a great mount of the fan and beard for my man cave.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Youth Day Smackdown!!

Today was a great day in the turkey woods as I had the pleasure to take Catfish Cam and his dad Brandon Criddle hunting for tom turkeys on youth day here in MD. What an awesome day it was and to keep a long story short lets just say that Ca...tfish Cam aka the terminator, devastator and turkey eliminator got it done on a beautiful love sick jake with an absolute SMACKDOWN!! shot at 15 yards. Just an absolute AWESOME!! hunt with great friends and very proud of this young man. If your not taking a kid hunting than you are mssing out on so much about what makes hunting fun and a great sport for our youth. To all the adults who took time to take a kid hunting, a big shout out of THANKS!!!

Stoner Out!!