Monday, April 29, 2013


Went out with a good buddy of mine to do some fishing on the bay and even though it was a slow day I did manage to catch this nice 37" Rockfish and he will be some really good eats.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Ohio Youth Turkey Hunt Smackdown!!

Just got back from an AWESOME!! Ohio youth turkey hunt and man did we get it done. Went with my good buddy Rich and his twin girls Vicki,  Becca , son Josh and two other youth hunters and we went 5 for 5 on toms. I personally called in two big toms for Vicki and Becca and these awesome girls put the Smack Down!! on old mister tom and Rich got it all on film. Just as impressive Rich’s son Josh called in his tom by himself and this kid is only twelve and quite the accomplished hunter. Me and Rich also did a little fishing on some private ponds and caught some nice bass, bluegills and crappie.  To cap off a great week of hunting I managed to kill a beautiful bearded hen when I got back home and she will look awesome mounted in my house. Just a great week of turkey hunting with great friends.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shed Hunting and Trout Bonanza

Went out over this past weekend to do some turkey scouting for next weekends youth hunt and decided to do some shed hunting too. Had a great day as I found three really big sheds. One was a fresh shed and two were chewed up sheds that were both older but the one had 5 1/2" bases and came off one dandy buck. After scouting for turkeys in the am, met up with buddy Big Fox and his family/son's friend to do a little trout fishing and we absolutely slayed them. The five of us caught our five fish limits in 1 hour 45 min and we had a blast.