Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Been Awhile but Big Bucks Down!!

I haven't posted here in quite awhile but I have been Hunting hard!! and have had some great success with some Big Bucks Down and a few nice doe's. Here is both write ups for the bucks and a few pictures.

Today was the last day of the Maryland Firearms season and got into my stand early (5:30am) and the weather was cold but clear so I decided to do an all day sit. Of course the weather as predicted changed but I hung tough and at around 4:15...pm (didn't have my cell on for the time as it was raining that hard) this big boy steps out chasing about a 60lb yearling doe and was running around crazy after her. Finally mouth grunted him to a stop at 50 yards and he was facing me directly so he got a .50 cal muzzy round dead center in the bread basket. Tough but rewarding hunt today and goes to show you never know when it can happen in the deer woods. Hunting hard in any weather condition can pay off big time. Sorry about the quality of the pictures but it was still raining hard and didn't want to mess my camera up.


Well another great day in the woods today and a very special hunt for me as this is Veterans Day and being a 21 year USAF Security Police Vet made this one memorable hunt. Got this great buck literally in my back yard less than 150 yards fr...om my house in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia. He came in with 10 minutes of shooting light , grunting and looking for a fight. Only shot I had was a neck shot at 80 yards but I felt confident of the shot and what my smoke pole can do. Got him good with the first shot in the neck and then finished him of with a quick reload and center mass second shot. I have learned big mature bucks don't usually give you allot of time so you got to make it count and sometimes fast. Just a great big bodied mature buck and not my biggest buck by far but a great buck for this neck of the woods.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Got Lucky!!

It's been a good 2013 deer season so far for me as I have been seeing allot of deer and getting allot of time in the woods to hunt. Moastly been seeing allot of doe's, fawns and small bucks. I have managed to put the smackdown on two nice fat doe's and this great 8 point buck during the 3 day early muzzlelaoder season. Maryland truly has some great deer hunting and I am blessed to be able to hunt as much as I do and harvest a big mature buck. Deer hunting is never easy but if you hunt hard sometimes you do get a bit lucky.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Big Atlantic Salmon

Got back from my fishing trip in New Brunswick Canada and what a great trip it was. I was fishing with my dad on the Miramichi river and we were fishing as part of the 2013 Salmon Classic put on by the Miramichi Salmon Association. I caught a big Atlantic Salmon on a Shady Lady salmon fly and it was a beautiful salmon with an estimated weight of 12lbs and we had to release it quick due to the hot water temperatures and the 10 min plus fight on the rod. I did get the entire catch on video and got some still pictures off the video. Just another great trip with my father, an amazing fish and another memory to last a lifetime


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

New Brunswick Canada Black Bear

I killed this beautiful color phase black bear in New Brunswick Canada and what a beautiful bear and trophy. He had chocolate brown coloring from both shoulders to his hind quarters. Going to get the hide tanned and he will look awesome in my man cave. This was a very exciting hunt and a memorable hunt that I will never forget.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Went out with a good buddy of mine to do some fishing on the bay and even though it was a slow day I did manage to catch this nice 37" Rockfish and he will be some really good eats.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Ohio Youth Turkey Hunt Smackdown!!

Just got back from an AWESOME!! Ohio youth turkey hunt and man did we get it done. Went with my good buddy Rich and his twin girls Vicki,  Becca , son Josh and two other youth hunters and we went 5 for 5 on toms. I personally called in two big toms for Vicki and Becca and these awesome girls put the Smack Down!! on old mister tom and Rich got it all on film. Just as impressive Rich’s son Josh called in his tom by himself and this kid is only twelve and quite the accomplished hunter. Me and Rich also did a little fishing on some private ponds and caught some nice bass, bluegills and crappie.  To cap off a great week of hunting I managed to kill a beautiful bearded hen when I got back home and she will look awesome mounted in my house. Just a great week of turkey hunting with great friends.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Shed Hunting and Trout Bonanza

Went out over this past weekend to do some turkey scouting for next weekends youth hunt and decided to do some shed hunting too. Had a great day as I found three really big sheds. One was a fresh shed and two were chewed up sheds that were both older but the one had 5 1/2" bases and came off one dandy buck. After scouting for turkeys in the am, met up with buddy Big Fox and his family/son's friend to do a little trout fishing and we absolutely slayed them. The five of us caught our five fish limits in 1 hour 45 min and we had a blast.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Late Muzzle Loader Buck

It's been awhile since I have posted here on my Blog but life has dealt me and my family a couple of tough blows and dealing with that has kept me from posting and hunting very much. I did manage to take this nice last season muzzle loader buck last week and I am happy to have harvested him. Not my biggest buck for sure but a hard earned one. I'm hoping 2013 is a better year for my family and my hunting.
